Ship survey

The Danish Maritime Authority is the main authority as regards ship surveys. Thus, it is the task of the Danish Maritime Authority to inform about and survey all classed ships flying the Danish flag.
On the pages below, you will inter alia find information about survey fees, survey circulars and the Danish Maritime Authority's Point-of-Contact scheme. You can also report conversions and order surveys online.

Order and pay for surveys

Find information about surveys and the ordering and payment of surveys. 

Order and pay for surveys

Passenger ship surveys

Read about the regulations on surveys of passanger ships and tour boats. 

Passenger ship surveys
Large passenger ships
Small passenger ships
Tour boats

MLC surveys

The Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) ensures that your conditions of employment are in order - from the conclusion of the employment contract, over the right to repatriation to occupational health and social security.

MLC surveys

Houseboats and other ships

Your houseboats is required to be surveyd. Read about the requirements here

Houseboats and other ships


The Danish Maritime Authority may grant certain ships permission to hold some statutory inspections themselves. Read more about self-monitoring  here.



Inform about conversions

Have you been converted? Then you are required to inform the Danish Maritime Authority about it. 

Inform about conversions

Detained ships

The Danish Maritime Authority keeps track os ships detained in Denmark and Danish ships detained abroad.

Detained ships

Classification societies

The classification societies perform tasks on behalf of the Danish Maritime Authority as well as the approval and certification on Danish ships.

Classification societies

Point-of-Contact scheme

The Danish Maritime Authority has established a Point of Contact scheme to help Danish ship owners.

Point-of-Contact scheme

Insurance - maritime claims

Remember to inform about insurance against maritime claims.

Insurance - maritime claims


On this page we have gathered information about fishing.
